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Saturday, 24 August 2013

1D Heat equation: Numerical solution

A stainless steel body of conical section (see Figure 1) is immersed in a fluid at a temperature Ta. The body is of circular cross-section that varies along its length, L. The large end is located at x=0  and is held at a temperature Ta=5. The small end is located at x=L=2 and is held at Tb=4.

A heat balance equation can be developed at any cross-section of the body using the principles of conservation of energy. When the body is not insulated along its length and the system is at a steady-state, its temperature satisfies the following o.d.e. (ordinary differential equation).

d^2T/dx^2 + a(x)dT/dx+b(x)T=f(x)

Where a(x), b(x) and c(x)  are functions of the cross-section area, heat transfer coefficients and heat inside the body. In the current example they are given by:

We have the analytical and numerical solution.... click on BUY NOW.

1.- Solve the equation using the shooting method as follows.
(a) Convert the second-order o.d.e. to a system of two first-order o.d.e.
(b) Use the shooting method to numerically solve the system of equations with a step size of 0.5
(c) Plot the temperature distribution along the body.

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