
On this site you can download homework solutions on: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Programming C/C++, Matlab, Simulink, Electronics, Numerical Simulations, OpenCV, OpenGL and many more.

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University of Cambridge, University of Derby, Coventry University, Northumbria University, University of East London, University of Southern Queensland, University of Wollongong, Swansea University, University of Liverpool, University of Bolton, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Cardiff University.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

C Programming Assignment: N Body Simulation

We solved the N Body problem using C Programming Language and OpenGL library. A complete solution is available in request...


Sunday, 26 October 2014

Three spring-mass system with collision: Written in C/C++ and OpenGL.

The full implementation is available on BUY NOW BUTTON...


Kruskal's and Prim's Algorithm: Implementation written in language C.

Algorithms for determining a minimal spanning tree for connected, non-directed, weighted graph, it is available on BUY NOW BUTTON...

Implementation of Kruskal's Algorithm is available, written in language C, furthermore you can compare it against Prim's Algorithm, also available.

Kruskal and Prim Algorithm

Minimmum spanning tree.

Minimal spanning tree weight = 66

kruscal.c   and    prim.c